
Welcome to the Friends of Westminster Park web page.  FOWP works in association with Cheshire West and Chester Council to represent users of Westminster Park.  Representatives on the committee meet regularly with CWAC to discuss issues relating to the park, such as pruning of the hedges, grass cutting and maintenance of the croquet and bowls lawns.

Volunteers meet every Wednesday between 10.00-12.30 on various clean-up and tidy works, as well as planting and weeding the formal beds.  If you’d like to get involved please contact either Steve Telford or Sue Britton.

Membership of FOWP costs just £2 per annum.  Anyone wishing to join or make a donation can make a bank transfer (Friends of Westminster Park account 32686994 sort code 60-40-08, or send their payment (together with their details ~ name & address) to Jenny Stokes (Treasurer) at 17 Kensington Green, Chester CH4 8DZ