The Bowling Club has been in existence since before the park was opened, previously playing in part of the Lache Estate. Since moving to the park, the club thrived, with a certain amount of success on the greens. One of its most notable past members was Arthur Robinson, in whose memory two competitions are played every year, one organised by Chester Over 60’s League. Recently membership has dwindled to about 30 but we still achieve some individual success and our newly re-formed night league team has just won division C of the Chester & District League. We have two teams in the Over 60’s league who manage to hold their own without spectacular success! These play matches every Tuesday and Friday afternoons from mid-April to early September, playing 6 members per team against the other 19 teams in the league as well as each other. We are hopeful of shortly having a new pavilion which will be shared with the Croquet club.
The club is very friendly and would welcome any prospective new members at whatever level of competence. Most afternoons there are members playing who would gladly offer help and guidance to those who need it. It only costs £3 per year to join the club and current green fees are £25 (over 60’s £12) for the summer season and a reduced fee for the winter season, when there is normally one green open for play when in suitable condition. Those people wishing to be registered to play for the club need to hold National and County cards which cost a one-off fee of £8.
Anyone interested, please contact the Secretary, details below:
Martin Fraser, 27 St. Mark’s Road, Chester, CH4 8DE
Telephone: (01244) 683847, Mobile: 07966 334293
Hi, can I check if Martin is still the contact for the Westminster Park Bowling Club? Both of the numbers given do not seem to work. Thanks, Alan
Yes Martin is still the bowling contact. His email is